The TCS "Tsunami"
provides to EPOS tsunami-related services, such as various data products (e.g.
sea level, historical information, submarine landslides), instrument information,
numerical models, and hazard and risk products. Understanding tsunami generation,
propagation, amplification and its risks requires international, multidisciplinary
research. EPOS offers a sustainable platform to consolidate and harmonize
multidisciplinary tsunami-related data and services. In July 2021, the European
tsunami community obtained the status of Candidate Thematic Core Service (cTCS),
aiming to develop into a fully operational TCS within three years.
The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ – Dutch: Vlaams Instituut
voor de Zee) is responsible for the management (hosting, data-processing and -storage) of the
"Global IOC Sea Level Station Monitoring Facility" (SLSMF),
which is integrated as a service in EPOS-Tsunami. This facility is a web-based
real-time monitoring tool that provides data from sea level stations,
distributed by around 200 data providers worldwide. The service includes (1) information
about the operational status of global real-time sea level stations, and (2) a
display service for quick inspection of raw data stream from individual stations.
With ca. 100 million hits/month the SLSMF has become a valuable resource, primarily for
tsunami warning centers and researchers.
The Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services (MDK, Dutch:
Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust) of the Flemish Government is one of many data
providers to the SLSMF. A list of MDK’s stations can be found